
Diploma in Early Childhood Education & Care


Assessment is a difficult process – we understand this and have developed a range of assessment kits, such as this, to facilitate a painless process for both the assessor and the learner being assessed.

There are a number of characteristics of assessment, ranging from subjective assessment (which is based on opinions and feelings), to objective assessment (which is based clearly on defined processes and specific standards). Nearly all assessment involves a mixture of both types of assessment because it is almost impossible to eradicate the subjectivity humans carry into the process of assessing. The goal in developing and implementing these assessment kits is to work towards the objective end as far as possible and to reduce the degree of opinions and feelings present.

What Is Competency Based Assessment

The features of a competency based assessment system are:

  • It is focused on what learners can do and whether it meets the criteria specified by industry as competency standards.
  • Assessment should mirror the environment the learner will encounter in the workplace.
  • Assessment criteria should be clearly stated to the learner at the beginning of the learning process.
  • Assessment should be holistic. That is it aims to assess as many elements and/or units of competency as is feasible at one time.
  • In competency assessment a learner receives one of only two outcomes – competent or not yet competent.
  • The basis of assessment is in applying knowledge for some purpose In a competency system, knowledge for the sake of knowledge is seen to be ineffectual unless it assists a person to perform a task to the level required in the workplace.
  • The emphasis in assessment is on assessable outcomes that are clearly stated for the trainer and learner. Assessable outcomes are tied to the relevant industry competency standards where these exist. Where such competencies do not exist, the outcomes are based upon those identified in a training needs analysis.

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Definition of competency

Assessment in this context can be defined as:

The fair, valid, reliable and flexible gathering and recording of evidence to support judgement on whether competence has been achieved. Skills and knowledge (developed either in a structured learning situation, at work, or in some other context) are assessed against national standards of competence required by industry, rather than compared with the skills and knowledge of other learners.

The Basic Principles Of Assessing Nationally Recognised Training

Developing and conducing assessment, in an Australian vocational education and training context, is founded on a number of basic conventions:

The principles of assessment

  • Assessment must include the full range of skills and knowledge needed to demonstrate competency.
  • Assessment must include the combination of knowledge and skills with their practical application.
  • Assessment, where possible, must include judgements based on evidence drawn from a number of occasions and across a number of contexts.

Assessment must be reliable

  • Assessment must be reliable and must be regularly reviewed to ensure that assessors are making decisions in a consistent manner.
  • Assessors must be trained in national competency standards for assessors to ensure reliability.

Assessment must be flexible

  • Assessment, where possible, must cover both the on and off-the-job components of training within a course.
  • Assessment must provide for the recognition of knowledge, skills and attitudes regardless of how they have been acquired.
  • Assessment must be made accessible to learners though a variety of delivery modes, so they can proceed through modularised training packages to gain competencies.

Assessment must be fair and equitable

  • Assessment must be equitable to all groups of learners.
  • Assessment procedures and criteria must be made clear to all learners before assessment.
  • Assessment must be mutually developed and agreed upon between assessor and the assessed.
  • Assessment must be able to be challenged. Appropriate mechanisms must be made for reassessment as a result of challenge.

The Dimensions of Competency

The national concept of competency includes all aspects of work performance, and not only narrow task skills. The four dimensions of competency are:

  • Task skills
  • Task management skills
  • Contingency management skills
  • Job role and environment skills

The Unit of Competency

For the purpose of delivering the Qualification CHC50113 Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care clustered assessment of units of competency will occur.

When assessing each unit it is important to understand how they are structured in order to meet assessment requirements.

Each unit of competency can be unbundled to reveal two key assessment components:

The performance criteria

  • Specifying the required level of performance

The Assessment Requirements

  • Performance Evidence
  • Knowledge Evidence
  • Assessment Conditions


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to support both individual and group plans for developing cooperative behaviour.

This unit applies to educators working in a range of education and care services.


Elements define the essential outcomes.

  • Establish and apply limits and guidelines for behaviour
  • Identify and review behaviour as required
  • Develop a plan to guide a particular child’s behaviour where required
  • Implement and monitor behaviour plan

Foundation Skills

  • The foundation skills described those required skills (language, literacy and numeracy) that are essential to performance.
  • Oral Communication – in order to facilitate collaborative discussions with children, families and other educators.
  • The remaining foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit.

Performance Evidence

The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be demonstrated evidence that the candidate has completed the following tasks:observed and analysed children’s behaviour, on at least three occasions, in a range of situations and contexts created, implemented and measured the effectiveness of at least one plan, including:

  • developing long-term and short-term goals and objectives
  • establishing a baseline for the behaviour
  • clearly outlining alternative behaviours
  • communicating expectations with children
  • supporting and communicating with colleagues to implement the plan
  • revisiting the plan and reflecting on its effectiveness

developed positive relationships with children, respected family expectations and their cultural values, and acted within the service policy interacted with children and involved them in decision-making and planning

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role. These include knowledge of:

  • how to access:
  1. the National Quality Framework
  2. the National Quality Standards
  3. the relevant approved learning framework
  • how to interpret the relevance of framework and standards documents in guiding work in this unit of competency
  • stage of development/age-appropriate expectations of children’s behaviour
  • appropriate and inappropriate behaviours – review of own stance and reflection on own values
  • different family styles of discipline and beliefs about behaviour in different cultures and social groups
  • relationship-based strategies to help children learn about behaviour
  • possible contributing factors to behaviours of concern, i.e. recent events, child’s history, actions of others, or developmental or emotional reasons
  • code of ethics
  • United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child
  • organisation standards, policies and procedures

Performance Evidence

The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be demonstrated evidence that the candidate has completed the following tasks:

  • contributing to individualised, child-centred planning and service delivery
  • collaborating and sharing information with family and other educators to develop and implement an inclusion plan
  • investigating and trialling strategies to address the needs of the child
  • reviewing and suggesting adaptations to service delivery to meet the needs of children with special needs
  • identifying and assessing the additional needs of individual children
  • gathering additional resources or sources of information to assist in developing and adapting curriculum to meet additional needs.

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the work role. These include knowledge of:

  • how to access:
  • the National Quality Framework
  • the National Quality Standards
  • the relevant approved learning framework
  • how to navigate through framework and standards documents to find areas relevant to this unit of competency
  • relevant legislation, regulations and workplace practices
  • range of additional needs that may be identified and the implications for the role of the educator, including:
  • behavioural or psychological disorders
  • child at risk of harm or illness
  • family circumstances and needs
  • health problems
  • physical, sensory or developmental disability
  • strategies that encourage participation
  • understanding of different backgrounds, experiences and needs of children and families in exceptional circumstances or with additional needs
  • organisation standards, policies and procedures

Instructions on completing the Skills Journal

This skills journal has been designed using an holistic approach of assessing the CHC5012 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care with many of your assessments clustered into activities, 3rd Party Reports and projects that will cover the performance criteria and evidence requirements of multiple units of competency.

  • As you are required to complete a minimum of 240 hours the assessments have been divided into 8 columns allowing you to plan to complete one batch of assessments before moving on to the next.
  • This section designates which workbooks/units you need to read to support the underpinning knowledge of this assessment.
  • These arrows show which assessments are linked. In this example Assessment 1 is linked to Assessment 2 & Assessment 3.

Instructions to Assessor

This is a compulsory assessment to be completed by all students. This assessment tests the student’s ability to understand apply the content and concepts related to this unit of competency.

Reasonable adjustment applies here and while the majority of students will complete this assessment as a written assessment, verbal assessment may be an option for those who need it. Assessor must use the response guide as the principal marking tool unless reasonable adjustment is demonstrated.

The assessor guide provides model answers to all the questions, setting out which key responses must be included as well as indicating where flexibility is acceptable. For example, if a question requires the student to list three options, then their response must include three of the items listed in the model answer. Where a response can be more flexible, instructions to the assessor are included.

Written Questions

The questions in this workbook are divided into two categories.

Written Questions: These questions are all in a short answer format.

Case Studies: These are longer questions requiring creative thought processes are covered in the case studies assessment. You must answer all questions using your own words. However you may reference your learner guide, and other online or hard copy resources to complete this assessment.

You must attempt all assessments satisfactorily to achieve an overall award of competent.

Re-read the section on Plagiarism and Copying in the front of your Assessment Workbooks

If you are currently working as part of an Early Childhood Education/Child Care team, you may answer these questions based on your own workplace. Otherwise consider what you should do if you were working as part of an Early Childhood Education/Child Care team you may refer to Sparkling Stars as an example.

Reflect upon and describe how your own values have created your viewpoint and attitude towards appropriate and inappropriate behaviours in Early Childhood Education and care environments.

(Must be 200-250 words)

It is essential for educators to understand the bahaviour of each and every children and therefore, it helps them to reinforce inappropriate and undesirable behaviour so that immediate changes are linked with the same. Thus, it is essential for business to undertake effective actions and therefore, I need to assess my own values and thus evaluate the attitudes in terms of enhancing the situations so that best care and support to children could be provided. All the children are involved in identifying their behaviour appropriately so that specific situations could be triggered in respect of carrying out effective results (Staton, Smith and Thorpe, 2015).

It can be assessed that my own values helps in creating diverse viewpoint and thus attitude towards appropriate and inappropriate behaviour within Early Childhood Education and care environment so that specific results can be attained. Teachers provides specific training and education to children in order to improve their performance within firm and thus provide appropriate care environment so that specific results can be attained. Providing effective knowledge results into improving the education level of individuals and thus learn different skills and capabilities so that it could be implemented and thus provide them better care environments so that growth and development can be attained.

In 500-750 words describe how different family styles of discipline and beliefs about behaviour in different cultures and social groups affect you in your role as an educator at an Early Childhood Education and Care centre and what approaches you can take to minimise the negative effects of cultural difference.

It can be assessed that there are different family styles of discipline and beliefs regarding behaviour influences and thus it is essential for me to provide effective education facilities to them as per their beliefs and values. Therefore, it is essential for being an educator at an Early Childhood Education and Care centre aims to minimise the negative effects of cultural differences so that appropriate teaching could be provided to children so that they can improve their learning facilities. Hence, it needs to be implemented in terms of providing better education facilities and thus care needs to be rendered so that it aims to minimize the negative effects of cultural differences so that better relationship can be developed. It is also essential for educator to identify the stage of Early Childhood Education and Care Centre which helps in influencing the needs and requirements of children in terms of carrying out effective results so that better performance could be carried out. Therefore, it is significant for care provider to minimize the negative effects of cultural differences and thus provide appropriate services to children as per their needs in regard to assess the culture of children and then provide them appropriate services so that best results can be attained (Blackwell, Lauricella and Wartella, 2014).

Role of education is very diverse and therefore, it is essential for them to improve the working conditions and then assess the needs of different children and then provide them appropriate education so that best care services could be rendered as per their needs. Hence, appropriate approaches results into minimising the negative effects of cultural differences and then it helps in raising their performance so that best results could be attained. Working for promoting the Early Childhood Education results in identifying the cultural differences among different children and overcoming their negative effects so that best results can be attained. Hence, it is essential for business to undergo effective differences in cultural aspect and thus performs a desired actions so that needs and wants of every children could be satisfied.

Educator within care home needs to promote the work culture so that effectively that helps them to prepare effective approaches and thus results in carrying out best performance so that success can be attained. Also, analysing different learning activities results into performing best cultural differences so that culture of different students could be assessed in regard to improve their learning and thus bring positive outcomes so that best approaches could be attained. Therefore, it is significant for firm to enhance the business operations and thus bring positive outcomes so that children could be provided better environment and does not affect their health perspective. Each and every family is different from each other and therefore educator need to assess the same so that their needs could be identified in terms of providing the same to them (Harms, Clifford and Cryer, 2014). Through overcoming the cultural differences it results into performing the best actions and then improve business performance which aims to fulfill the set targets.

Explain how you would use relationship-based strategies to help children learn about behaviour?

(150 -200 word response)

Relationship based strategies are significant and thus it helps in improving children regarding learning behaviour and thus improve their understand the needs of children so that best results can be attained. Implementing educational or recreational program and behaviour guidance strategies that a children's service develops can help in ensuring children’s individual and developmental needs helps in building positive behaviour. Therefore, it is essential to involve parents and improving children learning strategies regarding behaviour such as social and physical environment. Both these methods are required to be involved so that it helps in improving the strategies and learn regarding different behaviour so that best results can be attained.

Relationship based strategies helps in children learning regarding their behaviour and thus helps in improving their relationship so that best results could be attained. Therefore, it is essential for me to undertake and implement effective strategies so that children strategies could be enhanced in an effective and efficient way. Therefore, it is essential for care home to learn varied strategies and thus improve their behaviour so that appropriate strategies could be build that results into performing desired actions and results into performing best options so that different child behaviour could be assessed in terms of raising performance.

Describe the background factors that can contribute to children’s behaviours of concern

It is essential for children to improve their understanding regarding different behavioural factors and thus improve learning so that appropriate results could be assessed. Hence, background factors aim to contribute to children’s behavior and then improve their learning capacity so that success can be attained. Background factors results in contributing the best performance and thus improve children’s behavior in order to contribute towards attaining desired success. Background factors that helps in contributing towards children behaviours need to improve their relationship so that better understanding could be developed in terms of improving desired facilities and thus improve relationship so that success could be attained. Children possess varied behaviour in respect of improving their performance and thus aim to focus upon carrying out best performance so that appropriate results could be attained. However, it is also essential for firm to undertake effective children contribution helps in assessing the best results so that satisfaction can be attained.

When developing behaviour management plans for children you will need to consider the Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Code of Ethics and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC). Explain in your own words how each of these will affect your approach to developing behaviour management plans.

Guidance: Identify specific parts of the Code of Ethics and CROC that will affect your approach, and explain how you will incorporate these into the development of behaviour management plans.

It is essential for educator to develop behaviour management plans for children so that they can improve their behaviour and thus best results can be attained. CROC helps in improving the ethical code of conduct so that development of behaviour results into performing best action plan so that proper ethical code of conduct and practices could be carried out. Also, it is essential for educator to develop effective ethical code of practices results into performing desired actions and thus perform appropriate management plans so that proper management decisions could be done. CROC practices assists in improving better performance so that it does not affect the behaviour of individuals. Therefore, educator need to assess the behaviour management plans for children and consider Early Childhood Australia code of Ethics which results into performing desired actions and thus undertake effective approach so that success can be attained.

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Describe in your own words relevant theories that underpin the value of family/educator relationships

It is essential for educator to identify the relevant theory and thus undepins the same so that it helps in improving the value of family/educator and thus improve their performance. Therefore, it is essential for children to undertake effective health care facilities and thus results into performing best options so that desired results could be attained. However, it is also significant for firm to enhance their performance and thus provide proper value to family and educator relationship.

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  • Blackwell, C.K., Lauricella, A.R. and Wartella, E., 2014. Factors influencing digital technology use in early childhood education. Computers & Education. 77. pp.82-90.
  • Brownhill, S., Warin, J. and Wernersson, I. eds., 2015. Men, masculinities and teaching in early childhood education: International perspectives on gender and care. Routledge.
  • Campbell, F. and et. al., 2014. Early childhood investments substantially boost adult health. Science. 343(6178). pp.1478-1485.
  • Gertler, P. and et. al., 2014. Labor market returns to an early childhood stimulation intervention in Jamaica. Science. 344(6187). pp.998-1001.
  • Gordon, A.M. and Browne, K.W., 2013. Beginnings & beyond: Foundations in early childhood education. Cengage Learning.
  • Harms, T., Clifford, R.M. and Cryer, D., 2014. Early childhood environment rating scale. Teachers College Press.
  • James, A. and Prout, A. eds., 2015. Constructing and reconstructing childhood: Contemporary issues in the sociological study of childhood. Routledge.
  • Lamb, M.E. and et. al., 2014. Child care in context: Cross-cultural perspectives. Psychology Press.
  • Nutbrown, C. and Clough, P., 2014. Early childhood education: History, philosophy and experience. Sage.
  • Spodek, B. and Saracho, O.N., 2014. Handbook of research on the education of young children. Routledge.
  • Staton, S.L., Smith, S.S. and Thorpe, K.J., 2015. “Do I really need a nap?”: The role of sleep science in informing sleep practices in early childhood education and care settings. Translational Issues in Psychological Science. 1(1). pp.32.
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